Project short description

EuroDEMOS Association organized the project "The RIGHT Photo". 

The project included the European training "The RIGHT Photo" which took place on 07th – 18th of July 2010 in Iasi, Romania. The project involved 24 young people from 6 European countries: Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Turkey. 

The objectives were the participants’ awarness on importance of active involvement in promoting and defending human rights and democratic values; using photgraphic art as way of stimulating the public sensitivity on importance of human rights defence; stimulating the use of hobbies and personal abilities as way of manifesting the active citizenship; creating an intercultural exchange. 

The activities included presentations on human rights, European institutions and programmes; work-shops on human rights, active citizenship and photographic art; practical activities of making photos on human rights articles; case studies on photos; analysis of photos; simulation of press conference and reportage on human rights; intercultural activites, team building activities. 

At the training was organized an International Exhibition of Photography with the photos made by the participants during the training.